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Friday, October 28, 2011


pagi tadi dapatlah aku menyertai salah satu
aktiviti yang telah dianjurkan BADAR UTEM..
memang banyak input yang aku perolehi.
antaranya :
1) dapat merapatkan silaturrahim dengan j/kuasa BADAR.
2) dapat berkongsi pendapat antara mahasiswa/i UTEM sendiri
3) mentor yang dapat berkongsi pandangan dengan junior2 di universiti ini.
 p/s : utk maklumat lanjut/gambar program,bolehlah klik di link yang telah disediakan..^^
line wifi di sini sgtlah lembap..ta dapat
na upload gambar banyak-banyak,
JD KORANG ENJOY JELA DGN 'click' dekat link' tu ea..
segala kesulitan amatlah dikesali...

Baru sahaja turun dari puncak Gunung Datuk yang terletak diNegeri Sembilan.
pengalamn yang tak mungkin aku lupakan.
inilah gunung pertama yang pernah aku daki.
boleh panggil mendaki ke??
sedikit info mengenai gunung ini ye.

"Gunung Datuk
Mountain: Gunung Datuk [Bukit Datuk; Gunung Rembau; Gunung Datuk Rembau]
Height: 870m/2900ft
Location: Rembau, Negeri Sembilan.

The Trek

It actually takes longer to get there than to hike up
 the mountain.

 Gunung Datuk isn't a mountain (don't know how it
 earned the "gunung" title) 
as it is really just a hill with a height of 870m. So
 the trek time isn't very long. 
Trekking at a moderate speed will take 2½ hours 
two-ways. We have made it
 to the top in less than an hour before. So this can 
be considered a fairly
 easy trek.
The trail is really straightforward as there's one
 clear path leading all
 the way to the peak. It's well-trodden and
 pretty wide, so trekkers should not get lost
 nor get tangled with thorny plants. Along
 the way, there's a patch of yam plants where
 the leaves stand out from among the common
 jungle tropical flora.
The best part of the trek is at the peak. There is
 no beirut, nor muddy ground, nor tall trees and 
bushy shrubs to block one's view. Formed by
 several gigantic granite boulders (that's really
 not the word coz they are much bigger than
 what the word suggests), the area around 
the peak is spacious. Whoever braves the few
 rungs of metal ladders and sits at the peak
 will be offered a 360-degree view. On a 
clear day, one can see the Seremban town
 and as far as the Straits of Malacca.
Once at the top, be prepared for for 
some of the strongest winds on an 
open mountain top. After the walk 
up, sitting with the strong cool winds 
blowing in you face is truly a refreshing experience.

To Get There
Gunung Datuk is about 1½ hours drive
 from KL. To go there, get onto the 
North-South Expressway and head 
South for Rembau, Negeri Sembilan. 
Take Exit 223 (Pedas/Linggi). Immediately 
after the toll, take a left turn at the T-junction.       
Go all the way along the road until you reach
 a round-about. If you follow the signboards
 along the way, you will be directed to take 
the 12 o'clock exit to Pedastown.

       However, a much shorter and quicker 
route is to take the 3-o'clock exit 
(you'll by-pass Pedas). Continue along
 the road until you come to the traffic 
lights at the end of the road. Take a 
right turn. Keep going forward (you will 
soon pass another set of traffic lights) 
until you see a signboad indicating a left
 turn to Gunung Datuk. Take the left turn
 and move on for about About 4km. There 
will be a junction to the left. This road 
goes through a rubber estate. Not long
 along the road, there is a fork; take 
the left turn. Go all the way and you'll
 come to Gunung Datuk's base camp."

maaflah ye anda semua.
tak sempat nak translate.
copy paste saje.
credit to :

memang sangat best~~ rasa nak pergi lagi...
nampak awan tu???

untuk lebih gambar menarik..CLICK HERE
P/S: sebelum terlupa.tarikh yang aku pergi ialah 26/10/2011..

kamiorang terdiri daripada 38 orang,yang mana jumlah semua kereta berkonvoi ialah 8-9 buah..
motif utama pendakian kali ini ialah untuk melatih stamina masing-masing.
guider kali ini ialah SHAHRUL SYAZWAN merangkap ketua hiking KEREX UTeM..

maaflah...terlupa pulak trip yang nie..
inilah trip pertama yang aku join dalam kelab KEREX UTeM nie.
wonderful moment..
sekali lagi..utk lebih lanjut.CLICK THIS!
pinjam dari SHAHRUL SYAZWAN punyer pics..
gambar-gambar dari aku pula,KLIK DISINI~~
p/s: maaflah..nampak macam kalut semacam entri aku kali nie.line wifi sini sgtlah slow..
MAAF DIATAS SEGALA KESULITAN~~trus support me by read my blogs###..

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